2021 Annual Shareholders’ Meeting Results

Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Corporation Limited advises that all resolutions put to the company’s annual shareholders’ meeting held today were passed.

The five resolutions were:
Resolution 1: To re-elect Scott St John as a Director.
Resolution 2: To re-elect Sir Michael Daniell as a Director.
Resolution 3: To authorise the Directors to fix the fees and expenses of the company’s auditor.
Resolution 4: To approve the issue of share rights to Lewis Gradon as set out in the Notice of Annual Shareholders’ Meeting 2021.
Resolution 5: To approve the issue of options to Lewis Gradon as set out in the Notice of Annual Shareholders’ Meeting 2021.

All resolutions were decided by poll. The details of the total number of votes cast in person or by proxy on the polls were as follows:
Resolution Votes For % Votes Against Total Votes Cast Abstain
Resolution 1: Re-election of Scott St John 376,989,770 97.5% 9,562,547 392,181,594 5,629,277
Resolution 2: Re-election of Sir Michael Daniell 337,338,632 86.1% 54,490,477 392,181,594 352,485
Resolution 3: Authorise Directors to fix fees and expenses of auditor 391,389,466 99.9% 563,168 392,141,594 188,960
Resolution 4: Issue of share rights to Lewis Gradon 347,758,558 88.8% 43,848,535 391,734,515 127,422
Resolution 5: Issue of options to Lewis Gradon 347,483,224 88.7% 44,104,237 391,734,015 146,554


Authorised by Marcus Driller, VP Corporate & Company Secretary
Contact: Marcus Driller, VP – Corporate and Company Secretary on +64 9 574 0110. For more information about the company visit our website www.fphcare.com