F&P lnfoSmart™

Cloud-based OSA therapy that
 digitally puts patient therapy
 and clinical management in the
 same room

Designed to help you be proactive

Proactively identify patients with therapy or compliance issues and act upon the received information immediately, without the need to call your patients in for an appointment.

Designed to be intuitive

Featuring workflows and dashboards that simplify the process of patient setup and monitoring, putting your finger on the treatment pulse.

Award-winning User Experience

"By taking a holistic view of the ecosystem that sits around Apnea sufferers, the design team was able to optimise the experience from a number of key perspectives - making life easier for patients and providers alike."

Designers Institute of New Zealand.
 Judge's comments

CPAP Therapy Monitoring

CPAP Therapy Monitoring

Proactively identifies patients with therapy issues, and provides comprehensive therapy reporting.

Remote Device Control

Remote Device Control

Wireless therapy reporting keeps you connected to your patients' daily progress, and enables remote therapy adjustment.

Security & Compliance

Security & Compliance

State-of-the-art technology provides you with reliable system availability and information security.

Therapy Reporting

Customized therapy reports provide details of each individual patient's treatment progress and the
efficacy of their therapy.

Sample Report            Interpreting Reports Brochure
InfoSmart Report

Information at your fingertips

SleepStyle CPAP's cellular connection capabilities provide you with automated data transfer. This means you and your patients get the information you need, the instant you need it.

The system's data-transfer options ensure this data collection is cost effective and reliable.

Learn more about SleepStyle

*Cellular connectivity isn't available in all CPAP models.