Registration for the Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Investor Event 2023 is closed.

If you are interested in attending the event, please contact Martina Muellers at

Join us for our two-day Investor Event – a chance for investors and analysts to visit our operations in Tijuana, Mexico and Irvine, California and meet leaders from our Mexico and US teams.

Day 1     Thursday 14 September 2023
  Mexico Manufacturing Visit
8am - 3pm* Depart from the Hilton San Diego Bayfront, San Diego, California.
  Tour of Fisher & Paykel Healthcare’s manufacturing site in Tijuana, Mexico.
  Dinner in Irvine, California
6pm - 10pm Dinner with members of the Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Board and the US management team.
  Travel will be provided to Irvine, California following the Mexico Manufacturing visit.
Day 2 Friday 15 September 2023
  US Investor Day
9am - 3pm Depart from the Marriott Irvine Spectrum, Irvine, California.
  Meet members of the US team and hear from industry experts.

The Investor Event is in-person only.

*Return time is subject to border crossing logistics.

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