Frequently Asked Questions

Jump to: HumidificationResuscitation, Invasive Ventilation, CPAP, Nasal High Flow

Infant Respiratory humidification


Infant Respiratory Resuscitation

Infant Respiratory Nasal High Flow

Nasal High Flow
Infant Respiratory Invasive

Invasive Ventilation

infant humidification image

Our FAQs should not replace any information or guidelines as stated in the product user instructions or local hospital procedures.

infant resuscitation image

Our FAQs should not replace any information or guidelines as stated in the product user instructions or local hospital procedures.

 Invasive Ventilation

Our FAQs should not replace any information or guidelines as stated in the product user instructions or local hospital procedures.


Our FAQs should not replace any information or guidelines as stated in the product user instructions or local hospital procedures.

 Nasal High Flow

Neonates (Newborns up to 1 month)*

Infants and Children (1 month - 12 years)*

Product FAQs

*Patient populations defined by the FDA

Our FAQs should not replace any information or guidelines as stated in the product user instructions or local hospital procedures.


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