Our Intention

Our intention is that our corporate governance practices provide the direction and controls which enable us to achieve sustainable, profitable growth and the trust of our customers, shareholders, regulators, suppliers and communities.

Our Corporate Governance Fundamentals

The fundamentals which enable us to achieve this intention are:

  • Our corporate governance is overseen by a Board of Directors and management team which is built on trust and collaboration.
  • We comply with all legal requirements, cooperating and collaborating with regulatory authorities.
  • Company policies are established which describe our intent and the fundamentals by which we operate.
  • Procedures are established which describe how company policies are implemented and achieved.
  • The implementation of policies and procedures is verified through objective evidence.
  • We continuously improve the processes by which we operate.
  • When information that should be disclosed is made known to us, we disclose it in a timely and transparent manner. 
  • We proactively measure, manage and report on the factors that are most material to our business.
  • We seek to identify and implement the best solution rather than routinely adopting practices designed for others.

Corporate Governance Principles and Guidelines

The Board regularly reviews and assesses the company’s governance policies, practices and procedures against national and international standards.

The company is listed on both the NZX and the ASX (Foreign Exempt Listing category). Corporate governance principles and guidelines apply in both countries. The Board considers that the company complies with all of the recommendations of the NZX Corporate Governance Code. In addition, although the company is not required to comply with the ASX Corporate Governance Council’s Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations (ASX Principles) given its Foreign Exempt Listing on the ASX, the company considers its corporate governance practices and procedures substantially reflect the ASX Principles.

Information updated on 20 January 2022.