F&P myAirvo™ 2 
 Humidified High Flow Therapy 


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Humidified High Flow Therapy

Humidified high flow therapy with myAirvo 2 delivers warmed and humidified air/oxygen mixtures to the patient through a comfortable interface. It is designed for use in the home and long-term care facilities.


NHF reduces exacerbations compared to usual care in COPD patients


~ Storgaard et al 2018
~ Nagata et al 2022

NHF improves quality
 of life compared to usual care in patients with stable COPD



~ Nagata et al 2018
~ Storgaard et al 2018

NHF reduces PCO2 compared to usual care in patients with stable COPD


~ Nagata et al 2018
~ Storgaard et al 2018

How does Optiflow work?

The mechanisms of action

With NHF therapy, you can independently titrate flow and FiO2 to match your patient’s needs. The mechanisms of action differ from those of conventional therapies, as do the resulting physiological effects and clinical outcomes.

Mechanisms of NHF therapy are: 

  • Airway hydration
  • Respiratory support (through the reduction of dead space
  • and delivery of a dynamic positive airway pressure)
  • Patient comfort
  • Supplemental oxygen (if required)

Note: the above mechanisms of action for nasal high flow apply to delivery through an Optiflow nasal cannula interface. The mechanisms of action differ when high flow is delivered through a tracheostomy or mask interface adapter

Respiratory support


There is an increasing body of clinical literature which may provide guidance on the day-to-day application of humidified high flow.

Discover webinars and expert videos on Humidified High Flow therapy in the home

ERS International Congress 2022: Recent Trial Results for Nasal High Flow on COPD patients in the home

Speakers: Dr Gerard Criner and Dr Kazuma Nagata

Learn more about the key findings and clinical outcomes from the recent clinical research on the Humidified High Flow therapy for COPD patients in the home.

Nasal high flow at home for COPD patients: a new paradigm

Speakers: Line Hust Storgaard and Ulla Moller Weinreich

Join Line Storgaard and Dr Ulla Weinreich to learn more about the use of Nasal High Flow with myAirvo to treat long term COPD patients in the home setting.

Ulla and Line’s experience running a large randomized controlled trial on 200 patients is presented. In addition, a subsequent analysis on the hypercapnic cohort, a qualitative study, and an economic analysis is also being discussed.

ERS International Congress 2021: The Benefits of Nasal High Flow therapy in COPD patients in the home

Speakers: Drs Kazuma Nagata, Gerard Criner and Ulla Moller Weinreich

Our speakers, whose experience spans three continents, talk about their research and how Nasal High Flow therapy can benefit COPD patients in the home in this webinar.