Sleep apnea and
CPAP therapy support

Visit our sleep apnea article library for CPAP* troubleshooting tips, information on devices and masks, and guidance about the condition. 


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View our latest PAP mask

Where to buy

Find your nearest authorized F&P Healthcare CPAP equipment provider

Replacing your CPAP mask parts

Our go-to guide to replacing cushions, frames and headgear on a range of F&P Healthcare masks

Find out more

No matter what stage of your OSA journey you are at, we are here to help and support you

About sleep apnea

New to the condition?
Being diagnosed with sleep apnea, or even suspecting you may have the condition, can be overwhelming. We’ve compiled this information to give you a better understanding of the condition, its symptoms and your treatment options.

Treatment information

Recently diagnosed?
This is a good place to start if you are looking for information about the treatment of sleep apnea and CPAP therapy. It provides information about the products that may suit your specific needs. 


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