Which type of CPAP mask is right for me?

Sleep apnea treatment Sep, 18 2024

Why you should factor in breathing and sleeping styles

Your mask is one of the most important components of your CPAP* therapy.  
 It is the interface component of the system, and it seals around your nose or mouth (or both) to deliver pressurized air to your upper airway via a tube connected to your CPAP device.

There are four mask types. These masks, listed below, are secured to the face with straps around the head or chin (or both).

  • Full-face (oronasal) masks seal directly around or under the nose and mouth

  • Nasal masks form a seal directly around or under the nose

  • Nasal pillows masks have prongs that fit directly into the nostrils

  • Oral masks cover the mouth and seal around the lips

Having a mask that is perfectly suited to you will help with the success of your therapy. It is important to look for a mask with a secure seal that is comfortable enough to wear through the night.

Selecting a mask can come down to personal preference. When deciding what mask to purchase, ask yourself the following questions. Knowing the answers could help you on your way to choosing the right style. 

  • Do I breathe through my nose, mouth (or both) while sleeping?  
  • Are the insides of my nostrils sensitive?  
  • Will I feel claustrophobic if I have something covering or sitting on my face?  
  • Is the mask easy to clean and assemble? 

The content is for educational purposes only. It should not be used as a substitute for the medical advice of one’s healthcare provider.

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